No One is Perfect

No One is Perfect


Guys, the honest answer is no....

If your dog was perfect they would be a robot, not an animal. Also, we cannot be perfect (even if some people think they are..). Therefore we cannot demand perfection from our canine companions.

Striving for success is healthy yes. But comparing to others, to the point where success (whatever the size) is overlooked because it isn't what Suzy next door can do is most definitely not healthy. You are not Suzy and Suzy is not you!

Giddy looks like a prancing show pony in this photo and his engagement with me is great and I should hope so because I put a heck of a lot of hours in to acheive this. However, I am having to work on things with him that I didn't have to with my girls; barrier frustration being one. I do not let this darken my view of Giddy as a whole. I a m only human, so things will frustrate me at times, but embrace what you have.

Of course, if you are struggling, reach out to a trainer. Message me. If I can't work with you (availability/location) I might be able to recommend another trainer. Working hard with your dog is all well and good, unless you are using the wrong approach for that individual dog. Then you are going to be putting a tonne of energy into training and seeing no/hardly any progress.
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